List of Books

Lithaire 4

Images, Poems and Texts by :
Bernard Dumaine, Hossam Sakr, Uly Paya, Catherine Belkhodja, Barrett J. Erickson,
Dale Houstman, Mohsen Elbelasy, Ghadah Kamal, Tahani Jaloul, Fairouz Eltaweela,
Veronica Cabanillas, Magdalena Benavente, Lorna Kirin, Stephen Kirin, Zazie,
J. Karl Bogartte, Pierre Petiot, Esther Holbrook, Jennifer Walker, David O' Riordan,
Andrew Yao, Eszter Nagy, Maria Gyarmati, Olga Lo.

P. Petiot

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Square. 241 Pages. Full Colors. English. 2023-08-21. ISBN 9781446761465

IEOS Anthology Cairo 2022

This book brings together the textual contributions made on the occasion of
the International Surrealist Exhibition in Cairo in February 2022.
This exhibition brought together contributors from many countries in Europe, North America and South America,
and most particularly from the Middle East and North Africa.

Edited by Mohsen Elbelasy. Page Layout Pierre Petiot.
Ce livre rassemble les contributions textuelles réalisées à l’occasion de
l’Exposition Surréaliste Internationale du Caire de Février 2022.
Cette exposition a rassemblé des contributeurs de très nombreux pays d'Europe, d'Amérique de Nord et d'Amérique du Sud
et notamment du Moyen Orient et d’Afrique du Nord.
Este libro reúne las contribuciones textuales realizadas con motivo de £la Exposición Internacional Surrealista en El Cairo en febrero de 2022. Esta exposición reunió a colaboradores de muchos países de Europa, América del Norte y América del Sur, y en particular de Oriente Medio y el Norte de África.

Edited by Mohsen Elbelasy - Page layout Pierre Petiot

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Royal. 468 Pages. Interior Black and White. English. 2023-07-24. ISBN 9781446794890

HONIDI Magazine N°2

HONIDI Magazine - Revista Surrealista N°2
En la edición del segundo número de Honidi Magazine, volvemos a desafiar a la muerte y al des-amor hasta lograr la lógica del absurdo.
Absurdo evocado en esta colección de obras que intentan dialogar con el observador y sus autores mediante la precipitación onírica.
In the edition of the second issue of Honidi Magazine, we once again defy death and lack of love until we achieve the logic of the absurd.
Absurdity evoked in this collection of works that attempt to dialogue with the observer and their authors through dreamlike precipitation.
Dans l’édition du deuxième numéro de Honidi Magazine, nous défions une fois de plus la mort et le manque d’amour jusqu’à la logique de l’absurde.
Absurdité évoquée dans cette collection d’œuvres qui tentent de dialoguer avec l’observateur et leurs auteurs par une précipitation onirique

Veronica Cabanillas Samaniego & Magdalena Benavente

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US Letter. 132 Pages. Full Colors. Spanish. 2023-08-05. ISBN 9781447680475

Sleepwalking Through Sirens

Surrealist texts exploring automatic writing, magic and alchemy where the real and the imaginary cease to be perceived as contradiction... by J. Karl Bogartte, one of the founders of La Belle Inutile Editions.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 112 Pages. Interior Black & White. English. 2022-10-20. ISBN 9781387708840

Honidi Magazine N°1

Queridos amigos les presento el priner número de la revista de arte y literatura internacional Honidi. Cuenta la leyenda que Honidi es una serpiente que solo puede ser vista por los brujos. Este es el espacio para los videntes que deseen el reencuentro.
According to the story Honidi is a snake that can only be seen by witches. This is the space for visionaries who wish to meet again

Veronica Cabanillas y Magdalena Benavente

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US letter 120 pages - Full Colors. Spanish, English, French - 2022-11-24 - ISBN : 9781471028809

Other discoveries in the subconscious

يقدم هذا الكتاب نظرة عامة باللغة العربية على أهم الموضوعات التي تم تطويرها في سلسلة من 5 كتب ثنائية اللغة (الإنجليزية والفرنسية) والتي تم نشرها سابقًا بواسطة La Belle Inutile Editions. حيث يتناول الظهور البطيء ، أثناء التطور البيولوجي ، لهاتين الخاصيتين الأساسيتين للحياة : الخيال من ناحية والتمثيل الحسي من ناحية أخرى ، ويستكشف الدور الذي ربما لعبته هاتان السمتان المؤسستان للفن والعواطف الجمالية منذ التطور البطيء للمجتمعات غير المتكافئة منذ العصر الحجري القديم / الأعلى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، في فصلين آخرين ، هناك محاولة لتوسيع المفهوم الضيق للغاية للاوعي الذي طوره فرويد منذ أكثر من قرن مضى ، من خلال توسيع مجال الملاحظات ليشمل مجالين آخرين: اللاوعي الإيمائي (الذاكرة الإجرائية اللاواعية) و اللاوعي الإبداعي لعلماء الرياضيات. وأخيرًا ، هناك ثلاثة فصول أخرى ، تقترح بعض المهام التاريخية التي يمكن أن تقدمها السريالية في القرن الحادي والعشرين إذا كانت على استعداد لمراعاة المجالات الجديدة للتجربة والعمل والتي وفرها التطور الأخير للعلوم والتقنيات من ناحية ، و الأزمة البيئية الحالية المفروضة على الجميع من ناحية أخرى.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 181 Pages. Arabic. 2022-12-03. ISBN 9781470992040
Translated by Mohsen Elbelasy. Cover by Ghadah Kamal

Miscellanea - Miscellanées

This book is a collection of texts published here and there on the web or unpublished, written randomly from daily conversations. However, the thought does not disperse there and the reader will find again the main themes developed in previous books, but approached here from different angles. The objective remains, here as elsewhere, to open Surrealism on issues of the current era by proposing, for example, a genealogy of Representation. One will also find some corrections of ordinary journalistic vulgarities about "Artificial Intelligence" and "Algorithms", to which an educated, but not very inquisitive public surprisingly seems to give credit.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 391 pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2022-10-09. ISBN 9781471051173
Cover Zazie.

Like an Architecture of Chance - Comme une Architecture de Hasards

This book, these images, were born from a symbiotic experimentation of a few weeks with an artificial intelligence device. From which it should not be concluded that they owe their luxuriance solely to the artificial imagination. Let those who believe so much in the virtues of machines take the trouble to try it out for a few hours or a few days, before coming to loudly proclaim some false conclusion.
Without the talent of the artist, how could an innocent machine know how, at times, to revive in us some of our ancestral terrors? How could it speak in such a suave and convincing voice to the very subtle twists and desires of our unconscious?

Zazie - Pierre Petiot

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A4 -149 Pages. English. 2022-07-22. ISBN 9781471627569
Cover Zazie.


Images is a collection of surrealist poetry composed primarily of dreams.
Raphael Simons is a surrealist poet, hypnotherapist, and practitioner of psychic arts.
To find out more go to

Raphael Simons

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Royal - 71 Pages. English. 2022-04-29. ISBN 9781471715280

Rational Thought and Imagination - Pensée Rationnelle et Imagination

Etymologically, "rational" derives from the Latin "ratio", relating to calculation. The word calculation recalls an ancient practice of handling small pebbles. Rational thought is a thought that calculates. A computer rationally performs all the calculations one wants – logical calculations included. Should we think that it thinks? Descartes in Règles pour la Direction de l’Esprit does not think this way. On closer inspection, his Method is rather a way to organize findings of the imagination.
Genius – that of Descartes included – is an incomparable encounter. It wanders, but it finds, and suddenly revolutionizes entire semantic fields. Like Darwinian pre-adaptations at work in biological evolution, genius creates, in one single move, both the solution and its problem. Imagination does not come from Heavens, but is rooted in Evolution. The work of 3 Nobel Prize winners on the spatial imagination of mice (2014) and two other Nobel Prize winners on adaptive immunity (1972 and 1987) provide an idea of ​​some of the mechanisms implemented by living beings.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 248 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2022-03-02. ISBN 9781471753640
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Another Exploration of the Unconscious- Une Autre Exploration de l'Inconscient

Surrealism & Mathematics
The last pages of the Premier Manifeste du Surréalisme (1924) consider the real functioning of human thought in its unity. The living sources of scientific thought appear in these pages as having the same origin as those of all other creative thought. Chapter 3 entitled L'invention Mathématique of Henri Poincaré's book Science et Méthode in no way contradicts this view, but on the contrary anticipates it, since it is a lecture delivered by Poincaré in 1908, which emphasized the central role of the unconscious and analogy in mathematical creation. More than one century later, Alexandre Grothendieck's autobiography highlights the role of dreams in his own invention process and reinforces Poincaré's reflections. These two immense mathematicians hence contradict the rationalist ideology according to which "rationalist thought" is in itself creative.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 165 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2022-02-14. ISBN 9781678083359
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Primitive Accumulation of the Imaginary - Accumulation Primitive de l'Imaginaire

Although unquestionably much more developed in our species than in others, aesthetic emotion is not the prerogative of humans, as many bird species spectacularly show. The aesthetic passion, the passion for forms, is therefore rooted in biological evolution. Only an interest of an aesthetic nature can therefore explain the establishment of networks for the circulation of perfectly useless objects over distances of several thousand kilometres, and this between Paleolithic societies living in complete economic self-sufficiency. The end of the Upper Paleolithic saw the slow emergence of inequalities within initially firmly egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies and the systematic use of aesthetic emotions by the powerful and the religious. A general historical movement where from pyramids to cathedrals, from cairns to palaces, the powerful try to survive their deaths by systematically putting art at the service of their prestige.
To live free is therefore to escape from prestige. To live at the height of images like artists and poets and not subject to their power and the prestige games they feed.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 166 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2022-01-16. ISBN 9781716024177
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Live at the Height of Images - Vivre à Hauteur des Images

We do not perceive the world, but, most of the time, the representations that our brain elaborates. In What is Life (1944), Erwin Schrödinger notes that, only when our representations and our perceptions (at first unconscious) diverge, is our attention awaken by this incoherence, and tries to resolve it. The sciences of the mind allowed to validate this scheme. The pre-eminence of representations over perceptions is heavily reinforced by the mechanisms of exchange which imply the agreement of the parties on the equivalence of the objects exchanged. This is only possible if the parties agree on blinding themselves as to the nature of these objects, on reducing them to the status of conventions required for the exchange, and on abstracting them from the relations and processes, in which they are however really intricated with the rest of the world. This reduction of things – and beyond, of the world itself – to the fictional role they play in exchange is not without ecological consequences.
Art and poetry, on the contrary, emphasize perception, attempting to capture forms in their emergence and fluidity before they fossilize into representations.

Pierre Petiot

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A5 162 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2022-01-16. ISBN 9781716027475
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).


Surprisingly, the fundamental function of oblivion in the constitution of knowledge of all kinds has hardly been brought to light. This book is built on the results of a game that proposed an exploration of the paths and geographies of oblivion by means of photography, with the idea to suggest or identify aspects of Oblivion that may be unspoken or even unspeakable.


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A4 128 Pages. Multilingual(English, Spanish, French). 2021-11-20. ISBN 9781794764095
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Ordinary Possessions - Possessions Ordinaires

Since the end of Upper Paleolithic, the things by which we live, of which we believe ourselves masters, whether technical objects (furniture, tools, machines) or intellectual objects (images, ideas, methods), transform our minds in return and creep into our behaviors, our actions, and even into our sex lives. The ghosts of our things, which permanently haunt us, almost always unconsciously, have shaped our societies and our visions.
Recovering poetry, and the taste for life with it, first of all requires to accept our native symbiosis with our things, but as a symbiosis henceforth, thought, conscious, and lived. It also means to (re-)build free forms of collective work. The ecological crisis can help us ...

Pierre Petiot

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A5 184 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2021-11-09. ISBN 9781794842977
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).


This book is built on the results of a game based on assigning each of the participants one letter of the Alphabet, which they could graphically interpret as they wished and by the process of their choice - digital or otherwise. The idea was not to create a new typeface, but rather, for each letter, to get an interesting image containing a clearly visible alphabet letter.


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A4 128 Pages. Multilingual(English-Spanish-French). 2021-11-29. ISBN 9781794764095
Cover Yasser Abdelkawy.

Lithaire 3

This issue 3 of Lithaire presents in full color and along 184 pages, Artists (mostly digital, but not only), Poets and Writers from the USA, France, Italy, England, Germany, and also, for the first time, from Egypt, Syria and Algeria.


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Square 216mm, 184 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2021-08-04. ISBN 9781291875553
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Lithaire 2

Images, poems and texts by Jan Karl Bogartte, Samuel Martin Ribitch, Dale Houstman, Jean-Pierre Depétris, Francine Laugier, Zazie, Pierre Petiot, Richard Misiano-Genovese. English texts, French translations of English texts and French texts.

Pierre Petiot - Samuel Martin - Zazie (Evi Möchel)

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Square(216mm),106 Pages- Bilingual(English-French)- 2017-11-21 - ISBN 978-0-244-35707-8
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

The Rag Song

The Rag Song manifests the poet, Ossama Farahat, as the translator of his own poems written in Arabic Egyptian into another language, English in this case, without losing the essence of the poetry in both languages.

Ossama Farahat

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A5 226 Pages. Bilingual(English-Arabic). 2021-07-11. ISBN 978-1-291-22118-3

Wolves of the Moon

A book of poems and collages by Ghadah Kamal Ahmed and Mohsen Elbelasy (Egypt) plus collective poems of their friends. Poems in English, French and Spanish.

Ghadah Kamal Ahmed - Mohsen Elbelasy

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A5 296 Pages. Multilingual(English-Spanish-French). 2021-05-13. ISBN 978-1-4834-5946-2
Cover Mohsen Elbelasy & Ghadah Kamal.

Somnium Digitale 2

Somnium Digitale 2 is Zazie's second picture book, with poems and texts by Alice Massénat, Dale Houstman, J. Karl Bogartte, Zazie and Pierre Petiot and an interview with Zazie by Mohsen Elbelasy.
Zazie's work is fascinating in that it offers to both eye and thought an ever changing vision and is never restricted by any particular tool or style.

Zazie (Evi Möchel)

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Square 172 Pages. English. 2021-05-12. ISBN 978-1-008-96391-7
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Somnium Digitale 1

15 years of surrealist digital artworks by Zazie, with texts by Karl J. Bogartte, Pierre Petiot, Jean-Pierre Depetris, Francine Laugier, Willem den Broeder.
Content: Original and copy, Beyond Intuition, Mysterious Encounters, Cities, Mouvement, Digital Romantism, Inconceivable, Nocturnal Games, Horizons, Stamps
(First published in 2013)

Zazie (Evi Möchel)

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Square 172 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2021-05-25. ISBN 978-1-008-92728-5
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).


Loom is an experimental and purely non-linear sequence of prose poems by a surrealist poet and visual artist exploring the imagination. Less a collection of fragments than one of precise moments, however paradoxical, however seemingly playful and irresponsible.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 64 Pages. English. 2021-07-29. ISBN 9781300155003

Jardin de Nuit

Jardin de Nuit est un livre d’Art et de Poésie qui présente en 184 pages d’images et de poèmes, une liberté et une douceur amoureuses jusqu’ici plus fréquemment rencontrées dans la vie réelle que dans les livres et où, sans pourtant rien s’interdire, l’on s’attache essentiellement aux subtilités et aux délicatesses de l’expérience amoureuse. On espère y contribuer à convaincre le lecteur que s’il existe quelque réalisme que ce soit en une matière si merveilleuse, on peut être certain qu’il n’est pas photographique.

Zazie (Evi Möchel) - Pierre Petiot

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Square 184 Pages. French. 2021-05-11. ISBN 978-1-6671-0292-4
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

While the night windmills through xylophone and...

Prose poetry, surrealist poetics by J. Karl Bogartte. Artist and poet connected to international surrealism for almost 40 years. A book of poetic paragraphs, fragments of non-linear thought processes that defy normal explication, and seek the unknown aspects of the mind. Almost a violence of clarity in denunciation of ordinary aspects of reality...

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 154 Pages. English. 2020-12-09. ISBN 9781716349218

Black Sun

Poetry using an abecedarius; is a special type of acrostic in which the first letter of every word,strophe or verse follows the order of the letters in the alphabet. Using the method of Aabecedarius, where presented with the entire alphabet from A to Z, and then given free reign to offer words to add a word for each letter of the alphabet, allows the unconscious mind brought into play. Whether poetry-driven or prose-driven the associations conjure up some interesting connections.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Trade 25 Pages. English. 2020-08-28. ISBN 9781716633805

Squeeze the Babies Eat the Children!

Surrealist poetry collection (translated from English to French), with black humor observations on existence.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Trade 34 Pages. English. 2019-10-10. ISBN 9780359971350


Prose poetry, poetic fragments, aphorisms, as a manner of writing by J. Karl Bogarte, in automatic and semi-automatic exploration. Psychological, alchemical, mythological interruptions to suspend everyday reality, in search of the marvelous, where the real and the imaginary cease to be perceived as contradiction. Bogartte has been involved with international surrealism for more than 40 years, as both a poet and visual artist.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 156 Pages. English. 2019-07-25. ISBN 9780359804894

The Last Word: Collected Poetry and Prose Volume 2 (1977-2015)

Ribitch was a surrealist, artist, poet, photographer, and storyteller. For the first time ever his complete writings have been collected in two volumes, a project he started and his friends and family finished. This 2 volume collection encompass 50 years of his creative expression.

Ribitch Martin

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US Trade 378 Pages. English. 2019-04-25. ISBN 9780578221076

Published by Oyster Moon Press

The Last Word: Collected Poetry and Prose Volume 1 (1962-1976)

Ribitch was a surrealist, artist, poet, photographer, and storyteller. For the first time ever his complete writings have been collected in two volumes, a project he started and his friends and family finished. This 2 volume collection encompass 50 years of his creative expression.

Ribitch Martin

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US Trade 372 Pages. English. 2019-04-25. ISBN 9780578221069

Published by Oyster Moon Press

Transgressive Art and Free Will

Series of photographic images using Altered Lithographic method. Automatism is the doorway, delving into the psyche rich with fertile imaginings…

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 56 Pages. English. 2018-09-04.

What images germinate between the real and the imaginary? And Still The Navigators... is a book-length random sequence of prose poems/aphorisms that explore the sense of a deeper space, a primal fascination with language to the point of unsettling discovery. Situated between exterior and interior, and often blending into a metamorphic landscape for a more inclusive reality. "Grace is the art of luring ravenous dogs into a state of springtime."

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 98 Pages. English. 2017-11-22. ISBN 9781387387816


Mythologies is a book of mysterious transformations, between the real and the imaginary. A contemporary surrealism, steeped in myth and the marvelous, to reveal what is only glimpsed in dreams. These images are the result of a descent into the unknown domain of a purely automatic exploration. Images that are inspired by the occult, alchemy, magic and sexuality joined in the always intoxicating realm of the Royal Art of the alchemical wedding. With Introduction and Preface by Leon Marvel and Jon E. Graham.

J. Karl Bogartte.

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21 cm x 26 cm 48 Pages. English. 2017-08.

Published by Blurb .


A series of photo montages based upon x-rays of my hand; the jumping off point where the free play of imagery and the pathways of chance meet in the pursuit of the marvelous…iations conjure up some interesting connections.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 24 Pages. English. 2017-02-09.

Liquid Dreams

Excursions into the unconscious mind, seeking new paths, new revelations, the marvelous! A series of collages herewith rising to the occasion to open the doors to the unexpected…

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 48 Pages. English. 2016-11-23.


A surrealist novella, in 22 chapters, as a vague analogy to the 22 cards of the Major Arcanum of the Tarot, but more related to an unsolvable mystery. Recorded in the midst of exploration of that "vantage point" in the mind where the real and the imaginary "cease to be perceived as contradiction."
English and French texts, side by side, with an afterword by the translator, Jean-Pierre Depetris.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 170 Pages. Bilingual(English-French). 2016-09-07 .ISBN 9781365379246

The Cheese Devours the Mouse…

A collection of writings; theoretics, poetry, methodology…

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Trade 42 Pages. English. 2016-09-11.


Superimpositions are created with randomly overprinting images on top of existing printed images, selected from print sources including magazines. Using the principles of Automatism, images are randomly selected without forethought before overprinting.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 54 Pages. English. 2016-01-22. ISBN 9781329848825

Primal Numbers

Poetic prose. Surrealism. Exploration of language in semi-automatic writing.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 96 Pages. English. 2015-09-07. ISBN 9781329576520

The Spindle's Arc

A sequence of poetic fragments, unexpected gestures of consciousness. These notes are the "visible invisibilities" of sudden confrontations between what language can clarify and what it cannot, when the mind confronts itself through the imagination... when the imagination forms the body of many dimensions coming together at the point of no return. "And your veins filled with panther dust."

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 180 Pages. English. 2014-02-13. ISBN 9781312058026

What will be / Ce qui sera / Lo que será 

Almanac of the international surrealist movement, with more than 170 contributors from 25 countries. Essays, poems, images, manifestoes, a debate on surrealist editions, chronology of 50 years of surrealism 1964-2014.

Collective (De Vries & Vancrevel)

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Pocket Book 528 Pages. Multilingual. 2014-01-21. ISBN 9789077414446 Editions: Brumes Blondes


Quelques nouvelles récentes de la mort de Dieu ou des traces persistantes de son insidieuse présence en six textes 1. De la nécessaire simplicité de Dieu (P. Petiot) ; 2. Dieu est mort, mais lequel ? (J-P. Depétris) ; 3. L'intérêt comme religion (P. Petiot) ; 4. Labyrinthe de l'arc-en-ciel(G. Girard) ; 5. Le sexe et le Bon Dieu (C-L. Cauët) ; 6. Jarnidieu (A. Fernandes). Accompagnés d'images de Bernard Dumaine, Richard Misiano-Genovese, Pierre-André Sauvageot et Zazie.


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Small Square (190 mm) 98 Pages. French. 2013-12-08. ISBN 978-1-291-66198-9


Recueil d'images, poèmes et textes de Bernard Dumaine, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Guy Girard, Jean-Pierre Depétris, Ody Saban, Pierre Petiot, Thomas Mordant, Zazie


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Square (216 mm) 66 Pages. French. 2013-09-08. ISBN 978-1-291-61674-3


A sequence of surrealist inspired prose poems, analogous to alchemical and occult explorations in alternate realities. Fragmentary glimpses of magical states of being, and descriptions of an identity, someone, a person existing outside of recommended cultural standards. Language as movement, mirroring an object of desire. New experiments in the poetic prose poem...

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 98 Pages. English. 2013-09-05. ISBN 9781304127327

Hydrolith 2: Surrealist Research & Investigations

“This second issue of Hydrolith is a continuation of what the first volume started, which was and is to assemble a stimulating selection of exclusively recent work by groups and individuals of the international Surrealist movement, to facilitate intellectual exchange and collaboration, enabling us to concentrate the echoes of our commonalities as well as the shadows of our differences. In so doing, this volume aspires to reduce all manner of distances that exist between us. All works in this book are in English, while many of them are translations from the Dutch, French, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Turkish languages.” (From the Preface, p. 7)

Oyster Moon Press

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US Letter 368 Pages. English. 2013-08-12. ISBN 9780578157924

Published by Oyster Moon Press

Secrets in Red and Green

A collaboration between two masters - of word and image, brought together in the blinding light of desire, and chance; the meeting of eros and thought with random frenzy. Nocturnal emissions of blinding light – in red and in green. (108 pgs., 27 color photographs; English & Portuguese languages)

S. Lima & R.Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 108 Pages. English. 2012-11-23. ISBN 9781300435044

Loup Garou 2 (Version Française)

Un collectif surréaliste, une revue internationale - sous la direction de "La Belle Inutile" groupe; amis multinationales d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord et Amérique du Sud. Poésie, des essais, de l'art et de la photographie. (Langue française et autres)

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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Square 58 Pages. French. 2012-09-19. ISBN 9781300213314

Loup Garou 2 English Version

A surrealist collective, an international periodical – under the direction of the "La Belle Inutile" group; multinational friends from Europe, North America and South America. Poetry, essays, art & photography. (English language & other)

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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Square(216 mm)58 Pages. English. 2012-09-09. ISBN 9781300176329


A collection of dozens, these maxims span the 1990's through to the present day. Spontaneous, irreverent and thought-provoking in nature, these "truisms" offer another perspective on the Human Condition.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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Small Square (190 mm) 96 Pages. English. 2012-05-08.

Explications, Methods and Meanderings

Various texts and notes over a period spanning 1988-2011... the act of making an inage, whether drawn, painted, assembled, captures by photographic or any other means, gives the opportunity to present ideas, desires and a look into thought processes in the act of creation, and the aftermath of the resultant imagery.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Trade 58 Pages. English. 2012-01-20.

A Curious Night For A Double Eclipse

Following in the traditions and legacies of the surrealists, this newest collection of prose poems celebrate both love and conspiracy, eroticism and revolt in the ferment of a dialectical forge.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 114 Pages. English. 2011-09-22. ISBN 9781105083136

INVISIBLE HEADS: Surrealists in North America - An Untold Story, Volume 2

Surrealism in North America has a fractured history, with several arcs of continuity. Here is the story of one collective that evolves in five cities through various groups over four decades. Volume I charts its course from 1971 through 1985. Volume II continues to the present. Included throughout are works by Schlechter Duvall, C. Brooke Rothwell, Ira Cohen, Will Alexander, Alice Farley, Jack Dauben, Mike Kabotie, Richard Waara, Terri Engel, Jon Graham and many more. This history also represents the relationships between younger surrealists in North America with older surrealists such as Clarence John Laughlin, Eugenio Granell, Philip Lamantia, Mario Cesariny, Marie Wilson, Radovan Ivsic and Annie Le Brun. Essential to understanding the fate of surrealism in North America, this history has now found its voice and compass, just beyond the limits set by the past . . . Enter and leave as you please . . .

Thom Burns & Allan Graubard

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US Letter 373 Pages. English. 2011-05-22. ISBN 9780976143628

Published by Thom Burns & Allan Graubard on

INVISIBLE HEADS: Surrealists in North America - An Untold Story, Volume 1

Surrealism in North America has a fractured history, with several arcs of continuity. Here is the story of one collective that evolves in five cities through various groups over four decades. Poets, artists, dance theater and theatre creators, photographers, composers, sculptors, inventors, critics, and seekers – friends and colleagues all – their oeuvres and interventions track their effort to refine a revolutionary poetic presence precise to time and place: a living adaptive force that flowers from marvelous encounters, discoveries, and collaborations. Essential to understanding the fate of surrealism in North America, this history has now found its voice and compass, just beyond the limits set by the past.
Richly illustrated, with texts, poems, games, and commentary . . .
Enter and leave as you please . . .

Thom Burns & Allan Graubard

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US Letter 390 Pages. English. 2011-05-20. ISBN 9780976143611

Published by Thom Burns & Allan Graubard via

Carnival of Sleep

Between dream and hallucination, the Carnival of Sleep opens its tent for the unwary somnambulist. Ribitch’s prose and poetry are sometimes dark and humorous, sometimes sublime lamentations of erotic beauty and deeply surrealist in storytelling. They are like ruptured blood vessels, gushing forth a spray of blood droplets, each bearing a different face. Illustrations by the Author.

Ribitch Martin

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US Trade 180 Pages. English. 2011-02-26. ISBN 9780578084220

Published by Oyster Moon Press

The Mirror Held Up In Darkness

"A surrealist edition in every sense of the word, these early poems radiate with the surréalité of a midnight stroll, of a reconnaissance fueled and inspired by the spector of consciousness undergoing metamorphose, in broad daylight! Playful in a sense of wonder and exaltation, as if often grasping for just the right words; erotic in spirit, seeking the glow of sensuous experimentation and discovery; crystal clear in words that betray the mystery of a dark and mysteriously unfolding world just beneath the surface of ordinary reality..." - Arthur Koenig

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 102 Pages. English. 2010-10-20. ISBN 9780557664252

(Invisible As) The Sex of Port

13 Poems by Daniel C. Boyer. Cover and Illustrations by Richard Misiano-Genovese.

Daniel Boyer

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A4 47 Pages. English. 2010-10-28.

Luminous Weapons

"The third book in the trilogy of prose poems by J. Karl Bogartte, is a continuation of the obviously unnatural wedding between shadow and reflection, between the "he" and the "she" of a quietly shimmering exploration. Unsettling word-images in a landscape created by the spirit of the Anti-Oedipus. A desperate love story in a magical space of amazing conjunctions. Following in the traditions and legacies of the surrealists, this a collection of prose poems celebrating both love and conspiracy, eroticism and revolt in the ferment of a dialectical forge." -Arthur Koenig

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 116 Pages. English. 2010-07-07. ISBN 9780557550555


"Dreamwhite" is a series of images selected from a photographic odyssey spanning over four years time. It is a fluid, free-form experience in which the only constant was the abreaction theatre, the drama-play, the silent dialogue between photographer and model. The meaning you find shall be your own. The work speaks for itself.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 128 Pages. English. 2010-06-13. ISBN 9780615359267


The diamond in the viscera cries out and weeps for time unleashed the folly wrought with perfidy whose covenant is broken..." In a flash of aramaic characters transformed into mere alphabet, alpha... beta... words and thoughts alight as a wild brushfire in the darker arena of the limbic region of the brain where dreams take wing; the alchemy of emotion, the turbulent desires that follow. Can it merely be a poem in five cantos?

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Trade 38 Pages. English. 2010-03-23. ISBN 9780615363363

Performances • Dialogues

The investigations, perceptions and discussions regarding spontaneous performances and the ramifications that followed.

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 22 Pages. English. 2010-06-01. ISBN 9780557499144

Loup-Garou Spring 2010

Surrealism and its affinities magazine publication. Writing, art,

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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Square (216 mm) 50 Pages. English. 2010-03-20. ISBN 9781716633805

Pour un Empirisme Poétique

Il y a des quantités de façons de voir, et certainement pas une bonne et des mauvaises. Celle-ci a la particularité d'ouvrir la porte aux autres.

Jean-Pierre Depétris

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A5 178 Pages. French. 2010-03-05. ISBN 9781445715100

Hydrolith: Surrealist Research & Investigations

This book brings together in one volume some of the most exciting recent work from the international surrealist movement. With over 80 contributors from 17 countries around the world, the book contains drawings, paintings, games, comics, photographs, poetry, prose, theoretical and political writings on a huge variety of subjects, including special in-depth investigations of music, space and myth. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the surrealist movement today.

Hydrolith Editorial Collective

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US Letter 240 Pages. English. 2010-01-26. ISBN 9780578050393

Published by Oyster Moon Press

Secret Games

Following The Wolf House, Secret Games is Book II in the ongoing series of prose poems exploring the sense of the marvelous mating of science and erotic metamorphosis as a form of landscape in which the real becomes imaginary, and forces itself into visible nature.
"An asymmetrical consciousness enlivens the objects that signify your presence, which never fails to cause mystery and trembling in the villages where consciousness itself often comes to breed in awkward splendor."

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 108 Pages. English. 2009-12-25. ISBN 9780557237418

Images du Monde Flottant

À l'origine, le « monde flottant » était un terme bouddhiste désignant le monde éphémère de la vie de tous les jours... La montée de ce genre nouveau coïncida avec la révolution due à l'impression et à toutes ses techniques. Initialement, les estampes étaient reproduites en noir et parfois colorées à la main.

Francine Laugier

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A5 84 Pages. French. 2009-12-01. ISBN 9781445207896

The Wolf House

Prose poems written every morning over the space of a year, these 'dream-like notations" are further meditations on the raw nature of reality as it reforms itself every morning upon awakening from dreams. These are communications, grand exhortations, dark and magical confrontations with consciousness:
"The weather announces the grace of a marvelous cunning, sparkling on the surface which might not even be found in the darkness of the well, or on the roulette table where the candelabra (a lost memory) conspires with the dragonfly (a symbol of unrest) as elegant and lovely as a crossbow filled with early morning mayhem. “I adore you” she whispered, and died in your arms, a small planet, a diamond cutter’s blade, a single kiss, a drop of venom...
This version also contains the Notebook of the Wolf House.

J. Karl Bogartte

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US Trade 102 Pages. English. 2009-05-27. ISBN 9780578026091

Quelquefois nous paraissons heureux

D'une façon générale, quand on entend le verset d'un autre, ce que l'on y trouve est très différent selon ce que l'on sait ou ce que l'on ignore. (Traités de poétique de Bâshô)
Images de Jean-Pierre Depétris

Francine Laugier

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A5 76 Pages. French. 2009-04-01. ISBN 9781409278665

Entre Tangaar et Bolgobol

Un roman-feuilleton philosophique, un journal de voyage en ligne au cœur de l'Asie centrale

Jean-Pierre Depétris

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A5 384 Pages. French. 2009-06-26. ISBN 9781409289722

L'eau dans l'eau

Quelques rêveries, pour la plupart nocturnes et d'ailleurs, pour l'essentiel écrites les yeux fermés de 1973 à 2008.
Avec 21 images de Zazie.

Pierre Petiot

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Royal 384 Pages. French. 2009-02-18. ISBN 978-1-4092-8873-2
Cover and Images Zazie (Evi Möchel).

Autour de Bolgobol

D'où viennent les Lumières ? D'où viennent les idées justes ? Comment peut-on être Persan ? Connaissons-nous le monde par les données des sens ou par les produits de l'esprit ? Pourquoi la science moderne a-t-elle privilégié l'abduction sur la déduction et l'induction ? Dieu sait-il compter ?

Jean-Pierre Depétris

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A5 269 Pages. French. 2009-02-11. ISBN 9781409264965

En Revenant à Bolgobol

Suite des voyages à Bolgobol, un roman-feuilleton philosophique, un journal de voyage en ligne.

Jean-Pierre Depétris

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US Trade 247 Pages. French. 2008-09-17. ISBN 9781409231806

A Bolgobol

Un journal de voyage en ligne, un roman-feuilleton philosophique.

Jean-Pierre Depétris

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US Trade 310 Pages. French. 2008-07-18. ISBN 9781409219279

The Somnambulist Footprints

The Somnambulist Footprints is the result of a collective project in which several contemporary surrealists and fellow travelers wrote short stories according to their own interests and imperatives, based on their common desire to subvert the very foundations of conventional reality, both on the written page and – more importantly – beyond it, in the open space of consciousness.
Contributing authors: Mariela Arzadun, J. Karl Bogartte, Daniel Boyer, Eric W. Bragg, Mattias Forshage, Parry Harnden, Dale Michael Houstman, Philip Kane, Merl, Ribitch, Matthew Rounsville, Shibek, Andrew Torch, and Xtian. With illustrations in black and white. Edited and introduced by Eric W. Bragg.

A bunch of surrealists

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US Trade 216 Pages. English. 2008-03-11. ISBN 9781435713451

Published by Oyster Moon Press

Masques 1985

"... Concealment, the function with which we associate their use initially, as we imagine donning a masque, yielding to another when we think of the performance of a theatrical masque, which implicates masks in something that transcend’s their ability to hide in the process of transforming them into agents of revelation. Neither an instrument of concealment nor an explicative one, a Misiano-Genovese masque is an implicative phenomenon. "
" ... The masque is an oneiric object. As much, it is the objectification not so much of a dream as of what Sigmund Freud called the dream work. It marks the welling up in conciousness of liberative forces that have succeeded in evading inhibitve censorship of the creative impulse." –– JH Matthews

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 16 Pages. English. 2007-11-03.


Excavations are collages made using a method developed in 1985 by Richard Misiano-Genovese, in which pictures or images are glued together in layers, and then a layer or layers are ripped in places, revealing the underlying image.
"One may at first think that Misiano-Genovese invites us to the questionable pleasures of vandalism. But that’s not the case. Or not that much. Because when looking closer, one reaches the evidence that what is violent and destructive in Misiano-Genovese’s art always finally reverses itself in a shimmering of innocence. In the depths of his tearings, how devouring and raging they may be - and are - always the silky shadow of a dawn is passing." P. Petiot

Richard Misiano-Genovese

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US Letter 48 Pages. English. 2007-10-31. ISBN 9780615176611