Accueil > à Paris > Jeux > La Tour Saint-Jacques > Réponses individuelles

Nick Wings

dimanche 14 janvier 2007.

Where does this construction stand ? Within the head of a migraine sufferer

When was it built ? At a time of great irritation

To what purpose ? To promote boredom

Who could live there ? No-one knows, but one can hear an intense scratching.

What could you do there ? Wail.

What would it be if :

• un animal/an animal ? A dead one

• un végétal/a vegetable ? a poisonous mushroom

• un minéral/ a mineral ? chalk

• un poème/a poem ? a national anthem

• une langue/a language ? A dead one

• un masque/a mask ? A death mask

• un état mental/a mental state ? Boredom

• un symbole/a symbol ? Of repression

Some rumours are circulating about secret state ceremonies, during the night. What is going on ? What are these rituals ? What rituals are developing there ?

The obsessive polishing of bureaucrats.