Accueil > à Paris > Jeux > La Tour Saint-Jacques > Réponses individuelles

Philip Kane

dimanche 14 janvier 2007.

Where does this construction stand ?

It is on the border where one of my dreams became a nightmare.

When was it built ?

At around four o’clock in the morning.

To what purpose ?

It is a factory fuelled by the residual matter and by-products of dreams, and transforming those same dreams into winged creatures that torment the sleeping imaginations of the masses. The factory, obviously enough, is owned and run by the military.

Who could live there ?

The faceless ones.

What could you do there ?

If it were possible to break through or elude the security, I would want to commit acts of sabotage.

What would it be if :

• un animal/an animal ? An octopus.

• un végétal/a plant ? Ivy.

• un minéral/ a mineral ? Granite.

• un poème/a poem ? The Charge of the Light Brigade, by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

• une langue/a language ? The language of ancient, lost, Atlantis.

• un masque/a mask ? A white face without a mouth.

• un état mental/a mental state ? Paranoia.

• un symbole/a symbol ? A red circle pierced by an arrow.

Some rumours are circulating about secret state ceremonies, during the night. What is going on ? What are these rituals ? What rituals are developing there ?

It is a well-known fact that the bourgeoisie is incapable of dreaming. On the rooftop of this building there is a purpose-built arena in which Government agents are experimenting with rituals intended to seize hold of the dreams of the working class. The dreams will then be exploited for the leisure of the wealthy as well as furthering the directly repressive work of this factory.

Such rituals remain shrouded in secrecy. But there is one photograph of them in existence (included below), taken by an activist who used a hot-air balloon to overlook the rooftop.