Accueil > à Paris > Jeux > La Tour Saint-Jacques > Réponses individuelles

Mike Peters

dimanche 14 janvier 2007.

1 This is the first of many secret installations erected at the intersections of ancient ley-lines in Britain. It could be anywhere.

2 They are appearing everywhere in cities with universities.

3 It is part of a new network of ’repressive desublimators’ linked with
the national power grid. It works on the principle of the Reichian orgone
accumulator, whereby sexual energy is harnessed to reduce the amount
of conscious thought available to the general population.

4 At present they are intended as halls of residence for students, but there
are plans for more general use as worker housing. The feature most visible
from the exterior view is the absence of windows. This accomplishes the aim
of collectivizing the ’windowless monad’ (as formulated by Leibniz), so that
the inmates never see anything of the outside world that might stimulate
the imagination. This is an application on a large scale of the results of
the experimental prototype called ’The Big Brother House’.

5 Inhabitants are induced to engage in perpetual (de-eroticized) foreplay
in order to stimulate the output of sexual excitation, which is then released
as a biological force (divorced from subjectivity) that can be used to power
television receivers across the country.

In theory, these centres could be taken over and subverted, by being made into
Palaces of libidinous desire, where fantasies could be realized without
restraint or invigilation. But this would require reversal of the technological
mechanisms embodied in their construction.

6 (a) If it were an animal it would be an ant-eater

(b) If it were a plant it would be a mushroom

(c) If it were a mineral it would be a pillar of salt

(d) If it were a poem, it would be entitled ’Ozymandias’

(e) If it were a language it would be Babylonian

(f) If it were a mask it would look just like it does

(g) If it were a mental state it would be autism

(h) If it were a symbol it would be the 2001 Monolith (the Single Tower of 9/11)

These rumours are deliberately circulated to draw people into them, like a muezzin calling the faithful to prayer. The seductive glamour of secrecy serves like the hypnotic trance which leads the young Eloi to sacrifice themselves to the Media Morlocks.

No nocturnal rituals, unfortunately, take place … these citadels must first be seized by
Surrealists of the future !